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The Great Comedy Show
NewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki’s Great Comedy night is back again - this time with four comedians heading to two South Taranaki venues.
First Waverley Town Revitalisation Project Gets Underway
NewsMedia ReleasesWork starts on Monday 24 June to install four pedestrian refuges along Waverley's main street, Weraroa Road (SH3).
Water Outage in Hāwera
NewsMedia ReleasesLarge parts of Hāwera experienced water outages just before noon today (Wednesday 19 June) following a major water leak on Glover Road.
Doors Open in South Taranaki Business Park
NewsMedia ReleasesIn this article we review one of the businesses that has set up in the western precinct of the Park.
Waka Tīwai returned to Pātea Museum
NewsMedia ReleasesA powhiri led by Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi and Ngāti Ruanui was held on Thursday 13 June at Aotea Utanganui - Museum of South Taranaki to welcome the return of a waka tīwai.
UPDATE: Unexpected Hāwera Water Outage
Public NoticesNewsWe have identified a major water leak on the watermain running into Hāwera on Glover Road.
Unexpected Hāwera Water Outage
Public NoticesNewsWe are experiencing an unexpected water outage in Hāwera (19 June 2024). Crews are currently working to identify the problem.
Notice of intent to graze reserves
Public NoticesNewsSouth Taranaki District Council hereby notifies its intention to enter into Grazing Licenses to Occupy for a period of five (5) years these listed Recreation Reserves.
Proposed Extension to Waverley Water Treatment Plant
Public NoticesNewsProposed Classification of Reserve for extension to Waverley Water Treatment Plant
Satisfaction with Council Services remains high in South Taranaki
NewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki residents are generally happy with the services their council provides according to an independent survey.
South Taranaki Town Embraces Rare Saltmarsh Habitat
NewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki District Council (STDC) staff and community volunteers worked together to plant 500 buffer plants next to the Pātea Saltmarsh.
Taniwha Trading Cards coming your way
NewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki Libraries are launching Takurua Toa, Winter Legends, a reading programme that gives children the chance to collect Taniwha trading cards.
Ronald Hugh Morrieson judges announced for 2024
NewsMedia ReleasesThe wait is over! The judges for the Lysaght Watt Trust Ronald Hugh Morrieson Literary Awards 2024 have been announced.
Power outage for Waverley and surrounding areas - Sunday 19 May 2024
Public NoticesNewsThe Waverley area will experience a power outage on Sunday 19 May 2024.
Read. Review. Win - Teen Reading Programme
NewsMedia ReleasesIn Three Words teen reading programme is hitting South Taranaki LibraryPlus centres this May.
Speed Humps to be installed in Pātea
NewsMedia ReleasesEgmont Street in Pātea is set to get new speed reduction measures following community efforts to get motorists to slow down.
All South Taranaki Water Restrictions Lifted
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesAll water restrictions in South Taranaki have now been lifted says South Taranaki District Council’s infrastructure group manager Herbert Denton.
Eltham features getting a fresh coat of paint
NewsMedia ReleasesA project has started this week to rejuvenate some of Eltham's main street bollards, bins, seats, and decorative lamp posts by applying a fresh coat of paint.
Ōpunakē Town Centre Greenspace Proposal
NewsMedia ReleasesAs the key part of Ōpunakē’s town centre revitalisation project, the Council would like to know what residents think about a proposal to close off a section of Napier Street.
Don’t be late for a very important date – Elektra
NewsMedia ReleasesGet the family together and finish off the school holidays on a bright note by taking a stroll through Alice’s Wonderland.