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Phasing out Cheques
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesFrom May 2021 the major banks are phasing out cheques. Unfortunately, this means from 1 May 2021 we won’t be able to accept cheques as a method of payment.
Poppy and Star Flight
NewsMedia ReleasesCome to Hāwera LibraryPlus on Friday 16 April at 10.30am to be part of the Poppy and Star Flight.
Temporary Road Closure - Murray Avenue, Hāwera
Public NoticesMurray Avenue, Hāwera (between Maire and Murdoch Streets) - 29 and 30 March 2021
Road Closures - Wiremu Rd, Ōpunakē & Ngārongo Road, Normanby
Public NoticesWiremu Rd - 6 April - 23 April and Ngārongo Road - 12 April - 15 April
New Programme a Boost for South Taranaki Job Seekers
NewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki District Council (STDC) has been successful in receiving funding to deliver a programme to get young people into sustainable employment.
Average 3.99% Rate Increase in Long Term Plan Proposal
NewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki District Councillors adopted their proposed 2021 – 2031 Long Term Plan for public consultation yesterday.
Soldiers Park Pathway Extension Begins
NewsMedia ReleasesWork started today on extending the pathway in Soldiers Park, Eltham.
Eltham Votes for Sign Design
NewsMedia ReleasesEltham residents have the chance to vote on the image they would like on the town’s new entranceway signs.
Ōkaiawa Community Groups Public Meeting
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesThe Taranaki Coastal Community Board is hosting a community groups meeting at Ōkaiawa Hall on Thursday 8 April, at 5.30pm.
Community Organisation Grants Scheme - Public Meetings
Public NoticesNewsTaranaki Public Meetings to find out more about the Community Organisation Grants Scheme
Temporary Road Closure - Grey Street, Hāwera
Public NoticesGrey Street, Hāwera (between Collins and Albion Streets) - 15 and 16 March 2021, 7 am to 5 pm
New Exhibitions Open at Lysaght Watt Gallery
NewsMedia ReleasesHawera’s Lysaght Watt Gallery will launch two exhibitions this month, including a touring show by Puke Ariki and large paintings by a new Eltham resident artist, Dan Mills.
Health Warnings lifted for Ōhawe Beach and Kaupokonui
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesSouth Taranaki District Council (STDC) regulatory services manager, Chantelle Denton, says the health warning for Ōhawe Beach and Kaupokonui, has been lifted.
Health warning for Ōhawe Beach
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesRoutine sampling by the Taranaki Regional Council has found high levels of Enterococci at Ōhawe Beach.
Health Warning for Kaupokonui River Mouth
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesRoutine sampling by the Taranaki Regional Council has found high levels of Escherichia coli (E.coli) at Kaupokonui River Mouth.
Health Warning Lifted - Eltham Presbyterian Camp
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesThe health warning for the Waingongoro River at the Eltham Presbyterian Camp has been lifted.
Health Warning Lifted - Ōpunakē Lake
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesThe health warning for Ōpunakē Lake, has been lifted as levels of Escherichia coli (E.coli) have returned to normal.
Road Closure - Bridge St, Eltham (between High and Bedford Streets)
Public NoticesSaturday 13 March 2021 - 7am to 4pm - Road trenching
COVID-19 Brings Early End to Pool Season
Public NoticesNewsMedia ReleasesThe South Taranaki District free community pool season is ending a couple of days earlier than usual thanks to Covid-19.
Health Warning for Ōpunakē Lake
Public NoticesNews South Taranaki District Council (STDC) regulatory manager, Chantelle Denton, has today issued a health warning for Ōpunakē Lake.