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Input Wanted for Innovating Streets in Eltham and Waverley
NewsMedia ReleasesThe Council wants to hear your ideas on how to create safer crossing points, slow down traffic and make Eltham and Waverley more welcoming and vibrant.
Seven Tonnes of Electronic Waste Diverted from Landfill
NewsMedia ReleasesOver 7 tonnes of South Taranaki’s electronic waste has been diverted from landfill in the last (2019/20) financial year, about the same weight as an adult African Elephant or Tyrannosaurus rex.
Contractor Information Evening for Te Ramanui o Ruapūtahanga
NewsMedia ReleasesAn information evening is being held for contractors and sub-contractors who could be interested in tendering for the work to build the district’s new Library Library, Culture and Arts Centre.
Notice of Council Resolution on Electoral System and Right to a Poll
NewsMedia ReleasesNotice is given that the South Taranaki District Council has resolved to retain the First Past the Post electoral system for its 2022 triennial election.
Alert Level 2 Statement from the Taranaki Iwi Chairs and Mayoral Forum
NewsMedia ReleasesThe Taranaki Iwi Chairs’ Forum and Taranaki Mayoral Forum are collaborating on a Taranaki-wide response to the heightened risk of Covid-19 entering the region.
Lifting Performance – Council Assessment
NewsMedia ReleasesThis week the South Taranaki District Council (STDC) is undertaking its three-yearly assessment as part of the CouncilMARK™ local government excellence programme.
New Library, Arts and Cultural Centre Gets Consent Approval
NewsMedia ReleasesTe Ramanui o Ruapūtahanga, South Taranaki’s new Library, Culture and Arts Centre, took a major step closer this week with consent being granted for the project.
Normanby Community Meeting to Discuss Pathway and Domain
NewsMedia ReleasesA community meeting is being held at the Normanby Community Centre on Wedesday 29 July at 5.30pm to discuss alternative routes for a pathway connecting Normanby to Hāwera.
Get pen to paper - time is running out!
NewsMedia ReleasesYou only have three weeks to get your entries in for the 2020 Ronald Hugh Morrieson Literary Awards.
Kai Kitchen and Council Team Up to Reduce Waste
NewsMedia ReleasesThe STDC has teamed up with The Kai Kitchen Trust to help them minimise waste and become a Zero Waste organisation by providing biodegradable home-compostable packaging.
New Attraction at Park Breaks Sound Barrier
NewsMedia ReleasesIf you go down to KEP today, you’d better not go alone. Not because there’s a teddy bear’s picnic, but because two giant sound mirrors, have been installed and you’ll want to try them out.
Nominations open for 2020 South Taranaki Sporting Hall of Fame
NewsMedia ReleasesWe’re on the hunt for two new inductees to join the South Taranaki Sporting Hall of Fame.
Council Adopts Zero Rate Increase for 2020-2021 Annual Plan
NewsMedia ReleasesThe South Taranaki District Council adopted its Annual Plan at Monday night’s meeting which, amongst other measures, includes a zero rate increase for the 2020 – 2021 financial year.
Two South Taranaki Projects Receive Innovating Streets Funds
NewsMedia ReleasesTwo South Taranaki District Council street improvement projects have been chosen by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to be 90% funded by the Innovating Streets for People pilot fund.
Nominations now open for the 2020 Community Awards
NewsMedia ReleasesGet your thinking caps on because nominations are now open for the 2020 South Taranaki Community Awards - and we want to hear from you!
Straight Out of Lockdown – Comedy Series touring South Taranaki
NewsMedia ReleasesA big name in New Zealand Comedy and a former local lad, Ben Hurley, is bringing his tour ‘Straight Out of Lockdown’ to South Taranaki in August.
New $2.1 million Waverley Water Treatment Plant
NewsMedia ReleasesThe taps were turned on and water started flowing through Waverley’s new $2.1 million Water Treatment Plant last week.
Interest Shown in Old Eltham Municipal Building
NewsMedia ReleasesPotential buyers have already made enquiries about the old Eltham Municipal Building, following the decision to declare the unused building surplus and put up for sale for a nominal sum.
Satisfaction with Council services high in South Taranaki
NewsMedia ReleasesThe majority of South Taranaki residents are happy with the services the council provides according to an independent survey.
Community engagement on future education for Hāwera and South Taranaki
NewsMedia ReleasesThe Ministry of Education is currently working on plans for future schooling in Hāwera and the wider South Taranaki area.