Tūnga waka
Most car parking throughout the district is free and not subject to time limits. However time limits do apply, and are enforced, in the central business districts (CBDs) of Hāwera, Eltham, Manaia and Ōpunakē. Spaces are available for 10, 15, 30, 60 or 120 minutes and are well sign posted. The Parking Officer is responsible for making sure that people do not abuse the restricted time limit parking and that vehicles are safe (i.e. they have an up to date Warrant of Fitness, Registration, good tyres etc) throughout the district.
For more information, read the Parking Control and Traffic Flow Bylaw.
Free Public Car Parking
In Hāwera there are four free public carparks with no time limits. These can be found on:
- Albion Street (opposite the South Taranaki i-SITE Visitor Centre),
- Princes Street (outside the Council Administration Building’s front entrance),
- Napier Street
- Little Regent Street (opposite the Catholic Church).
Disability parks
Disabilty parks in Hāwera are located on High Street by the library, Robertsons Pharmacy, Off the Cuff and Pizza Hut. There is also a park on Union Street by Paperplus, and one on Regent Street outside the Gelato Cafe. Eltham has a disability park situated in Bridge Street East. These parks all have a 2-hour time limit on them.
The only people who may use mobility parks are those who display current permits. Infringement notices will be issued to anyone using a mobility park without a clearly displayed permit so always remember to have your permit clearly on show.
Motorcycle parks
Motorcycle parks in Hāwera are located in Victoria Street, outside Morriesons Cafe and Restaurant, High Street outside Robertsons Pharmacy, and Princes Street, outside White Hart Hotel, ANZ Bank, Harris Taylor Accountants and Westpac Bank.
Electric Vehicle Parking and charging
There are several electric vehicle parks/charging stations within the district.
- Pak n Save, Hāwera
- Warehouse Hāwera
- Chester Street, Waverley (P120)
- Napier Street, Ōpunakē (P120)
Click here to go to the Drive Electric’s interactive map.
Vehicle Safety and Compliance
The District Parking Officer has the authority to infringe vehicle owners whose vehicles are unsafe (e.g. bald tyres) or do not have up-to-date Warrant of Fitness or vehicle registration.
Paying Infringements
Click here to see how you can pay parking infringements.