Road Closures
Roads in South Taranaki may be closed for lots of reasons, including scheduled roadworks and events. This page lists planned road closures that may result in detours and delays, as well as other situations when you might need to take extra care to look out for other road users.
Check to have a look for any other road closures/accidents etc on State Highways.
Seasonal Clay Road Closures - Winter (1 June - 31 October)
Lakes Road, Mangawhio - unmetalled section 3.9km from intersection with Mangawhio Road
Moeawatea Road, Moeawatea - entire road
Meremere Road, Mokoia - from 14.3km to end (the unsealed section known as the Meremere Track)
Temporary Road Closure - Camberwell Rd
Road closuresPublic Notices(between High and Surrey Streets). From 8am 11 October to 5pm 15 October 2021 Manhole repairs .
Temporary Road Closures
Road closuresPublic NoticesDue to an isolated heavy rain event on Tuesday Upper Ball Rd and Maben Road are temporarily closed.
Road Closure - Upp Parihaka Rd, Rāhotu (Wiremu and Upper Kāhui Roads)
Road closuresPublic NoticesSunday 3 October 2021 - 7.30am to 5.30pm
Partial Road Closure - Turuturu Road
Road closuresNewsMedia ReleasesThe left-hand lane of Turuturu Road (from Glover Road to Waihi Road) will be closed from Wednesday 4 August while work is being undertaken on the wastewater system.